Last Wednesday, we drove the usual five hour trek to southern Illinois to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with J’s side of the family. We had clear weather with just a couple of hiccups due to bridge construction. The whole family was able to spend Thanksgiving together. It was especially wonderful due to the fact that J’s brother had just recently returned from a six months overseas deployment. So much to be thankful for. Here are some highlights:
Enjoying “Don’t Let the Pigeon Run this App!” Immensely
Making up their own virtual worlds
Cousin Love (they are 21 months apart)
Horsin’ Around (they are 9 months apart)
The Newest Cousin to Love (She and C are 22 months apart)
As you can see fun abounded and overflowed. After the cousins left to visit their other grandparents, we went to an Indian Art Show / Market Days at Cahokia Mounds. Both MaGa and Pop (the girls’ grandparents) have (and continue to) conducted archaeological digs there. I love how the girls are so comfortable there and already have a sense and appreciation of history.
How was your holiday?
Sounds wonderful!!! And I love cousin time!! 🙂