My name is Angie and I live in a suburb of Chicago. I have two daughters, Miss M, 8, and C, 3, and have been married since 1999 to the indomitable J. I am a stay at home mom who doesn’t really “stay at home” with my kids. I am not a crafty mom but I appreciate a good craft when I see it, especially if it is easy. Emphasis on the word easy.
Before kids I worked in both public and academic libraries. I am currently volunteering at Miss M’s school library. We love to read and so you can expect a mention here and there of our favorite books.
I try to get Miss M to write on here once and awhile. Even though she hasn’t been wanting to do so lately, I keep this option open for her and call them “Miss M’s Musings.”
Besides books, my other favorite thing in the world is archives, especially as it pertains to family history. I have another website called Tillie’s Tales where I daily blog a diary or “news book” that my grandmother wrote in her late teens/early twenties during the 1930s. She lived in a small southern Illinois town, Hecker, while writing her entries.
If you want to get in touch with me, email me at queenofthesnot [at] gmail [dot] com. (Remember to replace the words in brackets with the actual items).