Reflection and Exultation

For the past several Lenten seasons, I have given up social media. I took myself off of Facebook and Twitter and that was that. It was a good thing to do but this year I felt like it wasn’t enough. Yes, I had more time to do other things than piddle away on those websites but I was also replacing those websites with others to piddle away my time on. I was also missing out on many family photos and updates that are posted regularly on Facebook.

So this year I resolved to do something different and I did. I didn’t give anything up instead I made a resolution to get things done. Every afternoon when C would go to her room for “quiet time,” I would focus on something around the house that I had been procrastinating on and instead do it and be done with it. Some of things I did were: organize paperwork, go through the girls clothes and remove the sizes that no longer fit, call for a pickup of donated items to St. Vincent de Paul and fill up a bag to Moxie Jean to sell the girls’ “gently-used” clothes.

I felt so good when I did something that had just been waiting to get done. I would dedicate an hour to do these tasks and before I knew it, the time was up and my task was done or nearly done. Having this new way of thinking hasn’t stopped now that Lent is over and the Easter season is here. Rather it just continues on. For you see, once you start seeing all that you can do when you just say “Get ‘er done,” it. just. gets. done.

Easter 2013

Easter 2013


Referral Link to Moxie Jean – You click on it and order great gently-used kid’s clothes, you get $10 off $20 order. I then get $10 off too. Win. Win.