Going to Grandma’s! by Miss M

I like going to Grandma’s house.  I am going to Grandma’s house today.  Because Mommy and Daddy are moving.  I like playing at Grandma’s because she has BARBIES!  Thank you for taking me to Grandma’s. My sister, Baby C, is coming to Grandma’s house too.
Tomorrow I get to see my new house!  I am excited because I get to have my own room.  And I get to close my own door so C doesn’t get to come into my room.
I also love to go to my MaGa’s house.  I like playing with the kitties.  I like playing with her Barbies too.
That’s it.  That’s the end of my story, Thank you!

[Dictated by Miss M (age 5 1/2) to AEK]