What’s Your Favorite Girl Scout Cookie?

Not all of these boxes are for us!  They are the total ordered (49 boxes – each box contains 12 boxes of cookies) from Miss M’s Daisy Troop.  They did really good for their first time at it.  In fact they raised $457 for their troop.  A good portion of that money is going to be donated to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.  The girls decided to do this instead of receiving incentives for sales from the Girl Scouts.  A member of their troop has juvenile diabetes.  Thanks to all that ordered from us!  You will be getting your cookies soon.

What’s my favorite G.S. cookie?  Tagalongs.  Hands down.  And yours?

Tea Party Time

Blanket Kid

This is C’s stripe blanket.  I bought it at a garage sale when I was pregnant with Miss M and didn’t know the sex.  C is an attachment kind of gal.  On this particular day she wanted her “striped blanket” by her.  I had no clue what she meant.  The tears flew.  Tantrum ensued.  I brought her another striped blanket (not remembering that her blue blanket has stripes too).  This added to her anguish.  I told her to come and show me where the striped blanket was.  She quickly got up and lead me to her room.  There was her blue blanket and boy was she relieved.  She wanted to use it to build a fort with her sister.  It isn’t big enough for that job so she found another use for it..on her head.

Snow Much Fun!

Our Family
Not really liking the snow hitting her face.
Loves the Snow!
Miss M, on the other hand….Can you find her?

All Hands On Deck

Ms. Magoo

At the Half

I love my half birthdays.  Yes, I said my HALF birthday.  I don’t get any presents but I do get a song.  My mother calls me up and will sing to me “Happy Half Birthday to you.  Happy Half Birthday to you.  Happy Half Birthday dear Angie.  Happy Half Birthday to you!”  Sometimes she forgets it is our half birthday and so my siblings and I have to call her to remind her to sing to us.  We are silly that way.

Today is not my half birthday.  (It is next month in case you are curious).  Today is C’s.  She is 2 1/2.  I try to continue my mother’s tradition and sing to my girl’s on their respective half birthdays.  When they are little like C they just look at me strangely and then inquire about cake and presents, not quite getting the sentimentality of the little song.

Although I like my own half birthday, I do not like it when my children reach theirs.  I have never had any experiences with the “Terrible Twos,” but rather the “Terrible Two and a Halves.”  It never fails.  They reach their half birthday and they become a little less fun to be around and more trouble and cantankerous.  Take today for example, I can not just pick something out for C to wear gladly.  No.  She has to pick it out herself and if the shirt that she wants is in the wash?  Watch out.

My biggest frustration and hers is when C is trying to tell me something and I don’t understand her.  This. Drives. Me. Crazy.  So many times she will just cry and scream at me instead of trying to tell me what she needs, wants, etc.  This behavior ultimately gets her a one way ticket to time out land.  She does pretty good in time out, meaning she stays put and is much better when she is “released.”  I just wish I didn’t have to put her in it as many times as I have to sometimes.

Parenting is hard, yo.

Three Little Piggies

Bought matching pjs for the girls…didn’t realize that my niece had bought the same ones for her baby!  Hence a pajama party was born.

Pumpkin Gals

Fun at the Pumpkin Patch at The Children’s Farm in Palos Park, IL.


C is a definite two year old.  And a stubborn one at that.  When she doesn’t want to do something, she, well, won’t do it.  We found that two things work to cajole her to our way of thinking.

Threaten and Follow Through.
Many a night goes by where C does not want to clean up her toys and start to get ready for bed.  We tried time outs but she rather enjoyed them a little too much.  She liked them so much she ASKED to be put in time out rather than clean up.  J then had a thought, she loves LOVES to read or rather, be read to, before bedtime.  So we started to give her a warning that if she chose not to clean up, then there will be no bedtime stories.  After the first couple times where she didn’t clean up and therefore she didn’t get her stories, a warning is pretty much all that is given for the deed to be done.

Sometimes, no, really a lot of times, C becomes obsessed over something.  For example, the other day her empty fruit snack wrapper blew out of the car when I went to take her out.  Oh my goodness, you would have thought the world was ending!  Let me remind you again, the wrapper was empty.  She had already eaten the snack.  Didn’t matter.  She talked about this empty wrapper for a good hour and then had to tell her daddy about it at dinner and then told me about it again today when I gave her a new fruit snack.  The only way I got her off the subject of the darn wrapper was through distraction.  I showed her something else, like a book or put on her Barney or Dora dvd or just talked to her about other things we saw on that same day.  9 times out of 10 this works and helps my sanity tremendously.  I truly believe that if I let her talk about that wrapper she would.  All.  Day.  Long.  My sanity is worth more than that.

Two year olds are tough.  But I know they are nothing compared to three year olds.  She is so different from her sister and yet, I take comfort in the fact that I have been down this road before.  This too shall pass.