
Wednesday marked the beginning of Lent.  Every year I say I am going to cut back or give up something for Lent and every year I end up not following through.  This year is different.  This year I have a six year that is attending Religious Education classes every week.  This year she is the most aware of Lent and what it means to sacrifice.  This year I must follow through.
On Tuesday I noticed that my good friend, Mike, had posted on Facebook, twitter and tumblr that he was giving up all of these social media outlets for Lent.  I belong to all three of these outlets as well.  As I read his post, I thought to myself that he was on to something here.  I could do that too.  In fact, I need to do it.
Ever since we got our laptop (which means that our computer is no longer in the cold basement), I have become compulsive on checking facebook, twitter, you name it.  This is not good.  Even if it is just for a minute or two it is taking me away from giving my attention to my girls.  Why should I be giving so much of my time to an inanimate object that will always be there?  My girls, on the other hand, will not always be 6 and 1.  My habit needed to change.
It is now Friday.  I am three days into my chosen lenten offering, 21st century style.  I have not checked any of the before mentioned social sites even once.  To tell you the truth, I do not miss it.
After Easter I will be sure to give you an update on whether or not I was able to keep it up.  I am confident I will succeed.  If I don’t, I will have to answer to the 6 year old and who wants to do that?!

Thanks Mike for the inspiration and motivation!


  1. Amen to that!
    we do need to prioritize our life!
    I’m ‘work in progress’as well, must repent!


  2. I did the same thing a few weeks ago. The time you have for life when you give up these things is AMAZING! Can’t believe we become so obsessive with such things like facebook and twitter!

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