Lessons Learned: TV Turn Off Week

Today marks the beginning of TV Turn Off week.  I wouldn’t have known such a week existed if it wasn’t for M’s school sending home a flyer with “helpful” suggestions of what one could do instead of watching tv.  Darn you, public education!  So we took the plunge and said no tv to M and C.  We even took it a step further; no tv episodes on the iPad or computer.  Since we don’t have cable, this fact was a bit harder for M to swallow.  But after some eye rolling (seriously, when did this start? and, already?) she agreed.

Here are some things we learned after a full day of no tv:

  • I learned that the girls played longer and with each other more
  • I also learned they got on my nerves a bit more
  • More disagreements between sisters
  • It is OK to make an exception or two for a certain two year old that is potty training and sees the iPad as a reward.
  • The afternoon didn’t drag on as long as I thought it would
  • Charades is actually quite fun to play with a 7 year old and a 2 year old.  Especially when the 2 year old acts out Wonder Pets.
  • This has the potential of being a very long week…

Have you tried TV Turn Off Week yet?


  1. Dying laughing as M and Jack are so alike. I know if Jack’s school were to send that info home, he’d be all over making us do it (even though he’d miss tv more than he’d like to admit).

    We have been tv free during the weekdays for the last couple weeks, but just because sports and swim started and so afterschool we are running around, stuffing food in their faces and racing to get homework in before bed. Ugh!

    Good luck on the rest of the week. Could be great…could be crazy! 🙂

  2. we don’t actually get tv, so it’s movies and netflixfor us. I haven’t done a full week of it before, but 1 day. It’s crazy but it’s also lots of fun to see their creativity.

  3. Wow- we totally missed this in our home, but we were moving and without tv for about 4 days, so maybe I did it subconsciously? Found your blog through the 3 Princesses and a Prince academy blog!

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